Notices according to § 6 Teledienstgesetz
(Law of Telecommunication Sevices)
The VAT Registration Number is: VAT DE 219755183
All German Patent Attorneys are members of the Patent Bar (www.patentanwalt.de)
and of the FICPI (www.ficpi.org).
All German Patent Attorneys are admitted before the OHIM.
All European Patent Attorneys are members of the epi (www.patentepi.com).
Notice of Professional Rules:
All German Patent Attorneys are bound to the Patent Agents Act (Bundesgesetzblatt I (official
Federal Law Gazette), 1966, page 557, last amendment by means of Bundesgesetzblatt I, 2001, page 3656)
and to the professional regulations of Patent Attorneys (Notifications 1997, 246 ff.).
The FICPI-ethic regulations are published under www.ficpi.org.
All European Patent Attorneys are bound to the Code of Professional Conduct of the epi
(epi-Information 2/2001, page 75).
Responsible for presentation and content:
Truderinger Strasse 246
D-81825 Munich, Germany
Tel.: +49 89 437788 0
Fax: +49 89 437788 99

Internet: www.patservice.de
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